Each section contains information about a separate arbitration. Not all the information is relevant to each arbitration. If not relevant to that case, the space will be blank. The information is current as the date appearing in the lower, left-hand corner of each page.
Type of Dispute: Options are Benefits, Lien, Med mal (medical malpractice), OT (other tort), PremLiab (premises liability). This information is taken from the demand for arbitration.
Amount of Claim: This information is taken from the demand for arbitration. Unknown means that the demand for arbitration did not specify the amount of the claim.
Rep by Atty: This answers whether an attorney represents the claimaint.
OIA Rec’d Demand: The date the OIA received the demand from Kaiser.
OIA Begins Process: The date the OIA received the $150 arbitration filing fee or granted a waiver of the arbitration filing fee.
Date of Disposition: The date the case closed because the neutral arbitrator issued the decision, the parties settled the claim, the claimant withdrew the claim, the claimant did not obtain a waiver or pay the arbitration filing fee, or the OIA returned the claim to Kaiser because the claimant did not, in a case requiring consent, agree to optin to the OIA system.
Disposition: Options are Abandoned-No Fee, Award after Hearing, Case Consolidated, Claim Withdrawn, Dismissed by NA (neutral arbitrator), Returned to Kaiser, Parties Settled, Split Results (case had multiple claimants, who achieved different results), Summary Judgment, Judgment on Pleadings, Award Vacated in Court, Remanded to State Court or blank (the case is pending).
Prevailing Party: When the consumer (claimant) won after a hearing, "Consumer" appears. When the respondent won a summary judgment or other dispositive motion or after a hearing, "Non-Consumer" appears. When the case was abandoned, withdrawn, returned to Kaiser, settled, vacated or dismissed by the neutral arbitrator for non-substantive reasons, "Not Applicable" appears. If the case is pending, the space is blank.
NA's Fees: Neutral arbitrators report the amount of their fees after cases have closed.
Allocation of Fees: Options are 50% C/50% NC (fees split evenly between the parties), 100% NC (fees paid by nonconsumer party), blank (case is pending), or other (other arrangements between parties, amount specified).
Amount of Award: The amount of money, if any. The monetary award includes any costs awarded.
The name of the respondents (organizational respondents, individuals are not listed), the neutral arbitrator, and the date the neutral arbitrator was deemed appointed also appear in each section.
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